September is Hunger Action Month

Join the Kendall County Community Food Pantry in the fight to end hunger in our community

In September, join us in the fight to end hunger. Your actions and commitment will ensure no one in our community needs to make an impossible choice between food and other necessities like medicine, utilities, or childcare.

If we all come together, we can end hunger.  Take Action!

  • Participate in our Hunger Action Month Challenge.  
  • Sign up for email updates from Kendall County Community Food Pantry
  • Follow us on Facebook @KCCFoodPantry
  • Share a photo of yourself wearing orange for Hunger Action Month and tell others about the fight to end hunger on your social media. Use the hashtags #HungerActionMonth #EndHunger #ActionMattersMost
  • Donate to KCCFP.  Every $1 donated we can purchase $8 in food for a neighbor in need
  • Share this page!     

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