Our Plano Satellite is a Joint Effort…
Facilities supplied by…
And volunteer coordination with…
With food from…
…and YOU Can Make a Difference!
The most important resource for our work is our volunteers!
- All ages!
- All sizes!
- All skill levels!
And there are no special skills or capabilities required – merely an open heart for helping others.
Get Connected in Plano!
- Reach out and ask us what it’s like…
- Use email at planopantry@kccfp.org
- Fill out the form below
Main Pantry Info
- If you are looking for the main pantry volunteer page…
- Find it here: Get Involved
Ready to Apply?
Use this Volunteer Application… Volunteer Application
- Scan and email it to us: getinvolved@kccfp.org
- Mail it to us using the address below
- Drop it off during hours we’re open (see below)