On August 1, we’ll host our annual School Supply Distribution for children in Kendall County. Last year, through the generosity of individuals and organizations in our community, we were able to help supply more than 600 children with needed school supplies. Won’t you please help us prepare the kids and set them up to be successful in the coming school year? While all donations are welcome, the items in greater need are:
- #2 pencils
- Wide Rule Loose Leaf Paper
- Wide Rule Single Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 2 Pocket Folders
- 3 Prong Folders
- Glue Sticks
- Pencil Boxes and Pencil Cases
- Index Cards
- Graph Paper
- Protractors
- Compasses
- Water Colors

Donations can be dropped off at any time at the KCC Food Pantry, using the Red Donation Door.
Thank you for your generosity!